Monday, April 23, 2012

                                                     A   Girl   who  has  a Birthday  this   week

              That   Girl that  has  a   birthday this   week  is Laura .  her birthday  is   the  29 of  April   but  it's  not  just  her birthday   that  is  in  April . she  has a  best   friend   that  has   a   birthday    4    day's  before mine    and  that   would    be    Bethany     and  we   are the    same   age too .  but   i  also have  a   friend   that  has  a birthday  that's the same day   as  mine   which  is the  29.     i have a friend that  has the same   birthday  day  as  me    but     she is  old then  me  by  a  few  years


  1. I told you Laura, we're going to completely surprise you on your birthday. *evil laugh* =) Happy early birthday!!

  2. really now you have me wondering

  3. Happy Birthday to both of ye. :)
